Bluestacks vs memu
Bluestacks vs memu

This setting depends on the game you are playing and your GPU. 8gb ram is recommended for better gaming performance in the Memu emulator. I recommend giving it at least 4GB Ram for smooth gameplay. Even after using my PUBG Mobile Optizmation guide. Running Games Like Pubg and call of duty needs a lot of RAM. I recommend using all the cores you have on your system so that you get the best performance for Gaming. You should not be using other apps while using Memu Emulator as it will degrade the performance of the Android Emulator.

bluestacks vs memu

Set it the same as your CPU Cores so that you can get the best performance.

  • Storage settings Engine settings Performance Settings CPU: Same as your CPU Cores.
  • bluestacks vs memu

    There are three types of settings you can change:

    bluestacks vs memu

  • Allocated Virtual Memory: Double your actual RAM Memu Emulator Performance and Optimization settings.
  • Resolution: Same as your Monitor Resolution.
  • Memu Emulator Performance and Optimization settings.

  • Bluestacks vs memu